Wednesday, 21 July 2010

YOG Update

Hi all!
Here's the update on the YOG program I was talking about. The details are as follow. LOA will be given to all.
TP will be one of the five Singapore YOG Torch Relay celebration sites (representing the North East District of Singapore).  Our celebration will be held on 10 Aug.  Below are the programs on that day.  Please note that attendance is compulsory. Those who are unable to attend must provide a valid reason (example there is training on that day).  As for those members who are performing on that day, they are required to rehearse at 1pm. If their rehearsal ends early, they can join in the talks and other programs. -Fayanne

CCA Groups
Talk by Adrian Pang on how to be a successful performer at BUS LT 21
All Arts Groups (Presidents must help to take attendance)
Talk by James Wong on Sports topics at Audi 2

All Sports Groups
Talk by Andrew Goh on Leadership topics at Audi 1

All Interests Groups & Clubs
Refresher for the learning of O Yeah and the SYOG Theme Song – Everyone at Triangular Garden
Lead by TPDE for all CCA Groups
Stand by for Torch Relay at Triangular Garden
All CCA Groups
Games, Performances by TP Arts Groups, Derrick Hoh,  Taiwanese Cheerleaders (Monsters) etc at Triangular Garden
All CCA Groups (students can choose to cheer for our TP torch bearers at the Bedok Reservoir)
Dinner Reception for GOHs

All CCA Groups will be provided with dinner too

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