Hi All,
There will be no practice on 09.08.10, Monday as sent through the SLs due to National Day.
As for Tuesday, practice is still as per normal. According to Fayanne, arts group that have practices on Tuesdays will not need to go for the YOG event as posted on the previous post. However, all members are welcome to go for the talks that will be happening that day. The 2pm talk on how to be a successful performer is not by Adrian Pang but by Hossan Leong, please take note.
Do notify me if you are interested in any of the talks as they need the names for attendance taking. Do also note that SEAL points will only be given to students who go for the whole day's event. So if you're planning to go for the talk, please be prepared to not receive any SEAL points for it k?
Practices will still be as per normal the following weeks until further notice.
Zyndie Wai
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