Friday, 22 June 2012

TPChorale Induction Camp Day 1

I'm going to post in first person this time for a change, so I hope you don't mind! (:

The TPChorale Induction Camp commenced today, with excited Freshies arriving at the meeting point almost half an hour earlier than needed! As one of the many seniors who have put in their time, heart and soul into planning and bringing this camp to life, I was glad to see that the juniors were enthusiastic and anticipating what we had in store for them.

After a pretty short briefing, everyone got to mix around with their respective groups and had some time to create some cheers with their creativity and originality. The four teams, Tranquillo Tomato, Expressivo Egg, Allegro Avocado and Moderato Mushroom (TEAM) seemed a little shy and quiet at first, but that thin layer of ice was soon broken when the time for games arrived! I was in Moderato Mushroom, but I must say every single group performed amazingly and that I think everyone had lots of fun! :D

(Allegro Avocado VS Moderato Mushroom in one of the game stations, "Caterpillar", where members of a group must rearrange themselves on the chairs according to the game master's instructions without ever leaving the surface of the chairs.)

(Tranquillo Tomato and Expressivo Egg having ice-breaking, bonding games while waiting for their turn at the Balloon Popping Station, where players had to pop balloons attached to the ankles of the opposing team by stepping on them.)

It is obvious that a lot has happened during the camp and that it would take a lot of effort and words to go through each event. I am far too exhausted to word and type out each segment and to comment on them, but one thing is certain - I saw so many smiles today and heard so much laughter in the air that it seemed like the atmosphere itself was enjoying itself in the choir's presence!

I thoroughly enjoyed the day. From learning more about each person in the choir to acquiring values and life lessons, to simply watching everyone else immersed in some balloon-popping fun, it has become an unforgettable day for me.

With this, I leave you one last message for tonight, which I feel the team leader of Tranquillo Tomato brought across pretty well...

(Photograph taken by Samantha Chan.)

I hope you have enjoyed the day as much as I did, and be excited, for there's more coming your way tomorrow! (:

Look forward to the photographs being uploaded onto FaceBook after the camp! (: There's a lot more than you'd expect if you never noticed me with the camera in the corner! (; 

Yu Xiang / Kelvin

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